Fancy some trees in your extension?!

This is a beautiful extension project in Japan with an interesting difference.

It may not be the most eco-friendly idea in the world but when Hironaka Ogawa was asked to extend a family home he was concerned with the historical importance of 2 trees in the existing garden, that would need to be removed. He came up with a very direct solution: remove the trees, dry them out and have them returned within the interior of the new living space, which was designed around them. The extension was created to provide living space for the client’s Daughter and her new husband and the architect was aware that the trees had watched over the family for 35 years and should continue to do so as the family started a new chapter.

Interior Trees

The rest of the building is also great to look at, with open, light spaces within which the trees have been placed very considerately and (as far as we can see) do not appear overbearing or intrusive and in fact give some context to the otherwise plain spaces.

Unfortunately we suspect that getting a scheme like this past the planners for your own extension could be tricky, certainly in London, but if anyone has enough space and would like us to have a crack at something this interesting then please get in touch!

Exterior image of interior trees

For a more detailed review of the project take a look on Dezeen.