Format, helping extend the Daring Dynamos’ journey!

Format are very (VERY) proud to announce that we shall be sponsoring Daring Dynamos on their round the world journey in aid of WAR CHILD UK

For anyone that hasn’t been following the boys’ journey already, Daring Dynamos are 3 guys (Tom, Phil and now Tobias) cycling around the world. They set off from London back in March and are currently powering through the mountains of Ethiopia on the African leg of their 2 year (at least) journey.

The boys’ original route passed through the Europe to Turkey then Iran, Pakistan and India before a little jolly over the Himalayas into China and beyond. However, by the time the team had reached Istanbul, they discovered that Pakistan had changed their visa policy and after some executive decision making they are now travelling the length of Africa before carrying on around the world – a fairly hefty addition to an already impressive route. To facilitate this extra part of their journey, the boys needed some help with some vital supplies and equipment and Format were more than happy to help out whilst spreading the good word of the Dynamos.

If you would like to catch up with their journey in full then please head over to their website where you will find some very funny as well as some very moving videos (they are filming themselves the whole way), photos and blogs which are regularly updated letting us know how they’re getting on. You can also donate to War Child and help them to help thousands of war stricken children around the world. We will also be keeping you up-to date with all of the Dynamos’ adventures via our Twitter and Facebook page and will be announcing the first of our fundraising efforts in the next couple of weeks.

We shall also have news of a further collaboration with the Dynamos to come in the near future so watch this space!

The boys’ mission is incredible and we are all extremely jealous (tinged with occasional sympathy), whilst wishing them the best of luck and to stay safe at every stage, please show your support too and donate!